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April Cover Revealed: Thief
Eidos Montreal has been working for years to reboot the classic stealth series Thief, and the fruits of its labor will finally be revealed in issue 240 of Game Informer Magazine.
Our April cover story is a world-exclusive look at this next-generation stealth title. Series hero Garrett returns to the Gothic, industrial metropolis known simply as the City to steal any and everything that will make him richer. Unfortunately, the City is broiling with social tension as it is ravaged by a plague and lorded over by a political tyrant known as the Baron. In order to survive his adventures, Garrett will have to pay attention to his environment and make use of the may possible paths through each of the game's levels.
Square Enix plans to release Thief for PS4 and PC sometime in 2014, but the game is also planned for other next-gen consoles. Check out our coverage trailer for a taste of all the content you can look forward to absorbing over the next month.
Also in the issue, we take a look at Sony's PlayStation 4 as well as Bungie's follow up to Halo, a new sci-fi series called Destiny. We also research the harsh realities of mobile development and learn about the challenges small teams face when making a game. Ubisoft let us check out its new pirate game, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. We poke fun at the entire industry with our annual Game Infarcer feature, and then take an exclusive look at Trion Worlds and Syfy's MMO/TV show experiment Defiance. It's a lot of content, but don't forget to check out our classic feature on Pitfall, or our previews of The Last of Us, Remember Me, and Grid 2. It's a meaty issue; you're welcome.
Check out the full cover image below.
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Click the banner below to go to our Thief hub, where you'll find additional exclusive content throughout the month, such as these exclusive screenshots.