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Microsoft Registers Domains Names For Halo 7 - 9

by Ben Reeves on Sep 14, 2012 at 03:41 PM

We didn't really have any doubts that the Halo franchise would be around for a while, but it seems that Microsoft is shoring up it's bets by registering web domains for Halos 7 though 9.

According to Fusible, Microsoft recently acquired the domains halo7.net, halo7.org, halo8.org, halo9.net and halo9.org using an internet brand protection company called MarkMonitor. Now might be the perfect time for someone to register a domain for Halo 10 or Halo X.

Halo 4 is scheduled to release on November 6. We hope to hear more about Halo 7, 8, and 9 on November 7.

[Thanks to JB for the news tip]