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Is Hearth Fire Another Skyrim DLC Add-on?

by Tim Turi on May 29, 2012 at 06:46 AM

ZeniMax Media, the company responsible for publishing Bethesda’s legendary The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, has filed a trademark for what may be another piece of DLC. The name of the trademark is Hearth Fire, which is likely a reference to a skill book in Skyrim of the same name.

The skill book’s full name is 2920, vol 09 – Hearth Fire, which boosts players’ conjuration skill. Conjuration magic allows players to summon spectral allies and weapons. Could Heath Fire be a DLC add-on focusing on this arcane art?

For now we’ll have to sit on our questions, and continue looking forward to the only confirmed Skyrim DLC, Dawnguard.

Source: Fusible [via Joystiq]