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Bioware Lets Fans Choose Female Shepard's New Look

by Tim Turi on Jul 24, 2011 at 08:55 AM

Are you tired at looking at your horrendous, Frankenstein's monster-esque male shepard? Have you always enjoyed the female Commander Shepard's voice acting, but can't find a look you like? You should fix those problems by shutting up and voting for what you want female Shepard to look like in Mass Effect 3.

Biowar's bout of democracy probably has to do with the fact that Mass Effect 3 will mark the first time the female Commander Shepard will grace the game's boxart. Head on over to Bioware's Mass Effect Facebook page to vote on lady Shepard's new look. I'll admit that I'm a little bummed that none of these females look anything like Sigourney Weaver.

Thanks to Dan H For the tip