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Translating The Cover
The back cover of GI's February issue is the key to understanding Skyrim's recent trailer and gives the first clues about its story.
Last month saw the release of the teaser trailer for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, also available at the bottom of this article. During the trailer, you probably noticed some mysterious language being sung. What you might not have known is that the words are in the tongue of the dragons, an entirely new language crafted by Bethesda for use in the upcoming game. This complete language plays an integral role in the story and gameplay of the upcoming epic, and introduces an intriguing new facet to the Elder Scrolls mythology.
Translate the text on GI's back cover and in the trailer, and you'll have the first clues to the storyline of the new game, including the name of Skyrim's chief villain.
We could just tell you about what the translation says, but what fun is that? Instead, you can now delve into the mysterious language and translate the ancient text yourself.
Mere fragments of knowledge remain surrounding the language of the dragons. Only the first word of the forgotten stanzas is fully understood, but if one could translate the written runes into a more familiar alphabet, we know what most of those words mean in English.
Click on this link to begin solving the puzzle.
1. Dragon is not a 26-letter alphabet. Several vowel sounds translate from a single rune into two Roman alphabet letters.
2. You'll need to use the runes and the translation key in tandem to solve the puzzle.
3. Listen closely to the teaser trailer for additional clues.
Or, if you just hate fun, scroll on down into the comments and wait for someone else to post the answer for you. Your warrior ancestors weep at your cowardice. Isn't the shame overwhelming?
No matter how you reach the solution, make sure and listen to the trailer again afterward and apply your new understanding.
For all our coverage of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, check out our game hub throughout the month, linked from the image below.