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sdcc 2010

Peter David To Pen Epic Mickey Graphic Novel, Digicomic

by Annette Gonzalez on Jul 25, 2010 at 10:30 AM

Epic Mickey is headed to the Wii this holiday (they wouldn't give me a release date even though I begged). The game looks fantastic so far. In the spirit of Comic-Con, a few announcements were made at Disney and Junction Point's Epic Mickey panel.

Warren Spector and Marvel Comics' Peter David were on the panel and announced that Epic Mickey is headed to the Disney Digicomic space. The app allows users to download and and read digicomics on the iPod and iPod Touch, and Sony's PSP. Upon downloading you'll get two free stories. The application will also allow you to bookmark favorite images and share them with friends.

David, who in the past has worked extensively on Star Trek novels as well as several popular comic franchises, revealed his involvement in writing the upcoming Disney's Epic Mickey: Tales of Wasteland, which will serve as a prequel to the game and will add extra backstory and locations that you won't find in the game. The digicomic will be broken up into six, eight-page stories.

David also unveiled a 64-page graphic novel adaptation of the entirety of Disney's Epic Mickey for a full sense of the entire world to complement the game.