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$180,000 Worth Of Modern Warfare 2 Units Presented To U.S. Navy
In celebration of Activision's launch of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package, $180,000 worth of Modern Warfare 2 games have been delivered to the U.S. Navy through Call of Duty Endowment (CODE). CODE is a non-profit organization that aids veterans in the transition to civilian careers after service.
"Not only is it important to raise awareness of the issue of veterans' unemployment, it is also really cool to bring a game to service members and let them have some fun after spending so much time serving their country," said actor Rob Corddry, who helped present the games to sailors.
CODE uses its resources to assist with veteran training and job placement, and helps raise awareness on the unemployment issue. Roughly 3,000 copies of Modern Warfare 2 were delivered to more than 300 ships and submarines as well as Navy Morale, Welfare and Recreation facilities worldwide.