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Get Reacquainted With Corvo Attano From Dishonored 2

by Ben Reeves on May 11, 2016 at 09:00 AM

For Dishonored 2, the supernatural assassin Corvo returns to do what he does best. However, this isn’t the same Corvo fans of the first game remember; the stoic hero is 15 years older, making him more grizzled and experienced than before. He also has a voice this time around, which means fans will get an even deeper look into what makes this assassin tick.

Vital Stats

  • Full name: Corvo Attano
  • Height: 6'4"
  • Eye color: Dark Brown
  • Birthdate: 25th Day, Month of Nets, 1798
  • Birthplace: Karnaca, Serkonos
  • Voice actor: Stephen Russell (Garrett in Thief, Nick Valentine/Codsworth in Fallout 4)


  • Blink – Corvo’s teleportation skill. When upgraded allows Corvo to slow down time.
  • Dark Vision – Allows Corvo to see enemy movement through walls.
  • Devouring Swarm – Corvo unleashes a swarm of wild rats or bloodflies at his enemies.
  • Possession – Corvo can jump into the body of a rat and scurry through tunnels. When upgraded, he can also posses bloodflies and dead bodies.
  • Bend Time – fully stop time but when it's upgraded you can advance it a little bit as you go

Head here for a deeper dive into Corvo and Emily's powers.

Character History
As fans of the original Dishonored already know, Corvo is an ex-soldier who became the Royal Protector, essentially the bodyguard to the Emperor. Corvo quickly came to be known as the most capable soldier/assassin in the world. Quiet and calculating, he is also a brilliant spymaster who trained with the best.

When Corvo was young, his father died in a lumber accident outside the city, and he became estranged from his only sibling – a sister named Beatrici. By the time he was 16, Corvo entered a swordsman tournament called the Blade Verbena, which he won. His victory earned him an officer ranking in the Grand Serkonan Guard.

As a soldier, Corvo organized assaults against criminal gangs and rogue city states within Serkonos. But when he turned 18, Corvo was assigned to serve the Emperor in Dunwall, where he was ultimately assigned to protect the young princess Jessamine Kaldwin. He was 19, and she was 12 – but when Jessamine was 18, they became lovers. Throughout their time together, Corvo remained her loyal bodyguard, courier, and spy. Their romance was never “official,” but together they had a daughter named Emily.

In the first game, Corvo was accused of the assassination of Empress Jessamine. Thanks to the help of an underground movement, Corvo escaped execution and was able to track down the conspiracy to overthrow the empire. Corvo’s hunt ultimately lead him to a man named Daud, the leader of a group of assassins called the Whalers. The original Dishonored featured a number of different endings depending on whether or not players saved Emily and/or killed Daud, but in the canonical ending Corvo saves Emily and spares Jessamine’s assassin.

An Aged Assassin
At the start of Dishonored 2, Corvo has aged more than 15 years. “He’s wondering how long he can keep protecting his daughter,” says creative director Harvey Smith. “He knows that someday somebody’s going to come for her, because she’s the Empress, and she needs to be able to stand on her own.”

If players choose to play as Corvo, they’ll discover whether this aged hero still has what it takes to compete with the best assassins in the world. When a new threat challenges the throne of Dunwall, and Emily is displaced from her hometown. Corvo springs into action once again, traveling to his hometown of Karnaca in search of the villain behind this new plot. Corvo hasn’t been back to Karnaca since his mother died not long after his move to Dunwall, so Dishonored 2 is something of a homecoming for the hero.

For a deeper dive into the city of Karnaca, as well as an exploration of the powers of Dishonored 2, and exclusive interviews with the team be sure stay tuned to our Dishonored 2 cover hub throughout the month.