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Watch The Largest Crowd Assembled In Assassin's Creed Unity

by Ben Hanson on Aug 25, 2014 at 09:00 AM

During E3 2014, Ubisoft showed off its new gameplay footage of Assassin's Creed Unity that had a crowd of 5,000 NPCs gathered around a guillotine. We were all very impressed, but had no idea that was just a fraction of what the game's engine was capable of. While visiting Ubisoft Montreal for our September cover story on Assassin's Creed Unity and Rogue, we spoke with the team lead crowd Aleissia Laidacker and crowd life director Jesse Sweet about the new development team within Unity's production that's focused on building out the massive crowds. From the mocap sessions to the surprisingly difficult task of implementing hand-holding couples for the first time in the series, Laidacker and Sweet have become experts on how to bring the revolution-torn city of love to life. Ubisoft was kind enough to let us film off of Laidacker's screen, so please keep in mind that the gameplay footage in the video is very early and doesn't represent the final product.

Watch the video below to see an interactive crowd of 12,000 NPCs that will be in a mission for Assassin's Creed Unity and learn much more about the team's work.

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