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Bioware's Vision For The Future Of RPGs

by Ben Hanson on Aug 26, 2013 at 09:00 AM

Our coverage this month has taken a deep dive into the development and features of Dragon Age: Inquisition, but we wanted to take time while visiting Bioware to talk about the larger-picture prospects for the studio. Dragon Age: Inquisition marks the legendary studio's first foray into the next generation of gaming, and we gathered key figures from Bioware to talk about their vision for the next-generation of RPGs. General manager Aaryn Flynn, Mass Effect's executive producer Casey Hudson, and Dragon Age's executive producer Mark Darrah joined Game Informer's Joe Juba to discuss what they have in store for fans.

Watch the video below to hear a few hints about Bioware's new IP for the next generation, what they're learning from Dragon Age: Inquisition, and the chances of a new Jade Empire game.

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