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The Arsenal Of Halo 4

by Bryan Vore on May 02, 2012 at 09:00 AM

Get a look at 343's redesigns of classic UNSC weapons and catch the debut of an all-new Halo gun.

Misriah Armory has been very busy. As you'll see in 343 Industries' designs and descriptions of some of the guns appearing in Halo 4, the manufacturer has a very lucrative contract with the UNSC. Old favorites like the assault rifle, battle rifle, DMR, and sniper rifle will all be returning. The very last weapon, the railgun, will debut for the very first time in Halo 4.

Go ahead and get the first details of all the guns now, and be sure to click on the images for a better look.

DESIGNATION: MA5D Individual Combat Weapon System
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
The MA5D ICWS is an exceptionally resilient gas-operated, magazine-fed, automatic rifle designed to execute close-quarters combat with lethal efficiency, regardless of hostile counter-op environmental conditions or duration of use in the field.


DESIGNATION: BR85 Heavy-Barrel Service Rifle
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
The BR85HB Service Rifle is a gas-operated, magazine-fed, semi-automatic rifle optimized for three-round burst firing, and proven to be an extraordinarily versatile weapon at a wide variety of ranges and in the hands of a capable marksman.


DESIGNATION: M395 Designated Marksman Rifle
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
The M395 DMR is a gas-operated, magazine-fed, marksman rifle that maintains a smart-linked, telescopic, rail-mounted sight for scout personnel. This rifle favors mid-range to long-range combat, offering impressive stopping power.


DESIGNATION: Sniper Rifle System 99-Series 5 Anti-Materiel
MANUFACTURER: Misriah Armory
The SRS99-S5 AM is a gas-operated, magazine-fed, semi-automatic sniper rifle with exceptional accuracy and the ability to simultaneously breach both energy-shielding and high-density armor, making immediate kills nearly effortless when this weapon is properly utilized.

DESIGNATION: Asymmetric Recoilless Carbine-920
MANUFACTURER: Acheron Security
The ARC-920 Railgun is a compact-channel linear accelerator that fires a high-explosive round at incredible speed, delivering both kinetic and explosive force to both hard and soft targets alike.


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