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Kratos' Complete Olympian Hit List
Kratos has killed a handful of soldiers, gods, titans, animals, civilians, mythical creatures, family members, and ghosts in his time, and after today's surprise announcement, you can be sure that he will be going after a few more. Here’s every notable Olympian he has been able to cross off his list so far, in chronological order. We'll update this list in the future as Kratos kills more of Greek mythology's most important gods and people, which at current count is 23. Non-gods and nobodies that Kratos has killed is currently a 15 digit number.
Please note that many of the videos in this feature are just a little bit incredibly violent. Also this is more or less a list of spoilers for the God of War franchise. You have been warned.
God of War: Chains of Olympus
Kratos tends to spend a lot of time in Hades throughout the course of his adventure. Perhaps too much. Maybe it was this first trip there that really inspired him to keep returning.
Persephone, Queen of the Underworld
God of War
Despite being the game that started it all, Kratos only kills one notable Olympian: Ares. He used to be so focused when it came to his revenge. These days he just kills everything.
Ares, the original gangster God of War
God of War: Ghost of Sparta
Ghost of Sparta is all about family. Kratos reunites with his mother (and kills her), brother (who dies), and encounters the father/daughter pair of Thanatos and Erinyes (both of whom he kills).
Erinyes, daughter of Thanatos
Thanatos, God of Death
God of War: Betrayal
I haven't done any research on this hypothesis, but I think I may be the only person who played God of War: Betrayal on my Kyocera flip-phone. You only kill one notable Olympian, and he's the son of the son of Zeus, so he was very important.
Ceryx, son of Hermes
God of War II
In God of War II, Kratos killed a lot of important people from Greek mythology, but Athena was the only god...and that was by accident. Kratos was saving all his god-killing might for God of War III.
Prometheus, former Titan who gave the humans fire. Technically Kratos didn’t kill him, but it was his work that allowed Prometheus to kill himself
Thesius, founder/King of Athens
Icarus, son of Daedalus, burned his wings by flying too close to the sun
The Sisters of Fate (Morai), Lakhesis, Atropos, and Clotho (also known as "the hot one")
Athena, Goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, just warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill
God of War III
This is where Kratos more or less lost his mind and just started killing everything; God, Titan, and even himself.
Poseidon, God of the Sea
Hades, God of the Underworld
Helios, God of the Sun
Hermes, son of Zeus
Cronos, Titan God of Time, father of Zeus
Hera, Goddess of women and marriage, wife of Zeus
Gaia, Titan Goddess of the Earth and Zeus, leader of the gods
The only question that remains is, who is left? If God of War: Ascension is a prequel, and he has already killed all these guys in the future, who is left? I imagine Kratos will be going after a lot of third cousins and college roommates.
Big thanks to YouTube users BroKenGaMezHD, AdamSpencer87, hunkydoryorder, shinobier, TheASHfire06, decoyoc1, videomanvideoman666, xcalizorz, Macjemzie, iProGamer, RajmanGamingHD, Biggestgeekever, Sephirothization, RamperGames, earvcunanan, RB8Gem9, J3nser, and freiflug83 for posting all of Kratos' biggest battles on YouTube.