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Notch And Todd Howard: The One-On-One Interview

by Ben Hanson on Jun 14, 2011 at 06:23 AM

A month ago I started thinking about video opportunities that would be available at E3 2011. When considering what I would most like to see, the far-fetched idea of Minecraft's creator (Notch) sitting down and interviewing Bethesda's game director (Todd Howard) immediately sprang to mind. In a dark meeting room inside Bethesda's booth on the show floor, with the bass from the nearby Prey 2 demo bleeding through the walls, I set the cameras up and let the conversation flow. From Notch's love of Oblivion to Todd Howard's opinion on the greatest game ending of all time, watch the video to see these two gaming luminaries pick each others minds on the potential within their own games as well as the wider gaming landscape.

You can check out the video below or watch and share it on YouTube.