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Blizzard Announces Deathmatch For Overwatch

by Imran Khan on Aug 10, 2017 at 03:04 PM

Finally, all of us that go hoarse from screaming at people for not going pushing the objective can start suggesting those people play Deathmatch instead.

Announced today, Overwatch's Death Match comes in two modes, Team Deathmatch and Free-For-All. Team Deathmatch has two teams competing to see which team can get the most aggregate kills and Mercy's Resurrection skill takes a kill away from the other team. Free-For-All has every player for themselves, everyone competing with each other to get to twenty kills as fast as possible.

Several maps are being modified within the mode to accommodate the new gameplay. Additionally, a new map, Chateau Guillard, is being added specifically for Deathmatch.

Blizzard has just pushed the new modes to the PTR servers for testing and will be added to the Overwatch Arcade mode when released. Check out a dev update on the new mode below:


Our Take
Deathmatch has been a mode in almost every competitive FPS since the beginning of time, so we're excited to see how the skills in Overwatch's characters translate to getting kills and nothing else.